I’m often asked what comes first, plot or characters – My answer tends to vary. When it came to Nick Spinelli, Covert Exposure and Craving Vengeance, I had a very clear picture of Spinelli both physically and emotionally. He was too good looking and too together, so I felt the need to mess up his life a bit, only I hadn’t a clue as to how to make that happen until my fingers hit the keyboard.
When it came to Alex Polecheck and Peter DeBaker, Unforeseen Obsessions, their story was pretty much plotted all the way through.
As for Jack Ricco and Clare Ulster, Taken by Surprise, I knew where I wanted to start the story and finish it, but the middle was a mystery to me each and every day.
Now, for the new series I recently started, I dreamt up Dylan, seriously, I dreamt about him, and I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do with him yet, but I do know it will involve a lot of chaos for a while. He’s going to have to work for anything he wants.
There you have it!