Following is another excerpt from my novella, Cookies for Santa. In this scene Spinelli has just put himself out there… and Shannon rejected him in front of her friend Anna. Anna thinks Shannon should reconsider.
Anna pointed at the doorway. “And the hottie you just sent packing, the one that eyes you up as if you’re his favorite kind of candy is just what you need.”
“Anna, really, him? You’re kidding, right?”
“Yes him. I’ll tell you right now, if I were twenty years younger and single I’d be stuck to him like smoke on bacon.”
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Hi, Valerie! I had computer issues last week. I did make it around to read your snipped, just wasn’t able to comment. Things are all better this week so I can leave my “mark”. I have the feeling watching this relationship grow is going to be most enjoyable! Keep up the terrific work.
Hi, Val! I’m up against a self-imposed editing deadline, so haven’t participated the past two weeks, but had to check in on Spinelli today. My husband was standing beside my desk when I read your six aloud, and we both laughed. Shannon’s line is great! I’m really looking forward to reading your book.